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Atomski stiskalni stroj

  • Hydravlični atomski klikerski stroj
  • Traveling Head Hydraulic Press Automatic Leather Cutting Press Mchine Uses and features: 1. The machine is applicable for large factories to use blade mould to do continuous and big quantity cutting for such non-metal materials as carpet, leather, rubber, fabric and so on. 2. PLC je opremljen za tekoči sistem. Servo motorni pogon materiale, ki prihajajo z ene strani stroja; after being cut the materials are delivered from the other side for an accurate material conveying action...
  • Uses And Features 1. The machine is applicable for large factories to use blade mould to do continuous and big quantity cutting for such non-metal materials as carpet, leather, rubber, fabric and so on. 2. PLC je opremljen za tekoči sistem. Servo motorni pogon materiale, ki prihajajo z ene strani stroja; Po rezanju se materiali dostavijo z druge strani za natančno delovanje materiala in nemoteno delovanje. Conveyor length can be easily adjusted by the touch sc...
  • Hidravlični zamah za rezanje vlaken za rezanje vlaken