Uses and features The machine is mainly suitable for cutting one layer or layers of leather, rubber, plastic, paper-board, fabric, chemical fiber, non-woven and other materials with shaped blade. 1. Adopting the structure of gantry framework, so the machine has high intensity and keep its shape. 2. glava udarca se lahko samodejno premika prečno, zato je vidno polje popolno in operacija varna. 3. Vrnitev kap na planetu je mogoče nastaviti poljubno, da se zmanjša v prostem teku in improvizira ...
Hidravlični rezalni rezalni stiskalnici 1. Za rezanje naslednjega materiala: guma, pena, tekstil, plastika, pluta, laminate, kompoziti, klobučevi the material in place, avoiding any shifting problems. 3.The Hydraulic Receding Head Die Cutting Press is simple to use with minimum fatigue for the operator. With easy material loading, quick job change and fast cutting operation, maximum productivity is achi...
Uporaba in značilnosti stroj je primeren predvsem za rezanje nemetalnih materialov, kot so usnje, plastika, guma, platno, najlon, karton in različni sintetični materiali. 1. The principal axis is adopted automatic lubricating system which supplies oil to prolong the service life of the machine. 2. Operate by both hands, which is safe and reliable. 3. The area of cutting pressure board is large to cut large-sized materials. 4. The depth of cutting power is set to be simple and accurate. 5. Th...
Qiangcheng full head beam die cutting presses use very large cutting dies, The maximum dies as big as the cutting surface. So Gerson full beam die cutting presses are widely used when high cutting power & when large or multiple shape dies are used. The following material soft and semi-rigid material can be used for die cutting : Leather: leathergoods ,shoe uppers, wallets, purses, belts,shoes, insoles, insole socks, uppers, straps Paper: stationery, novelties, filters, labels,Insulation ...
Uporaba in funkcije: Stroj je primeren za rezanje nemetalnih materialov, kot so montaža denarnice, majhne igrače, okras, dodatki za usnjene vrečke in tako naprej z majhnim rezalnikom. 1. vrtenje nihajne roke je prilagodljivo, izbira in izbira materialov pa je priročna. 2. Visokokakovostne brezšivne jeklene cevi so sprejete in predelane v stebre, ki jih podpirajo zgornje in spodnje luknje, da se zagotovi prilagodljivo vrtenje in dobro zanesljivost zgornje utripa. 3. Stikalo je operativno ...